Sustainable development implies all areas of our existence, both physical and spiritual. Integral understanding of the world, integral philosophy and music may prove to be helpful for us. Philosophers treat reality in different ways. Those who write that reality as we perceive it has impact on us and that we have impact on it – seem to be right. The way we interact with it has impact on the way reality interacts with us… Great physicist, Albert Einstein, said that imagination is more important than knowledge. Władysław Reymont wrote that reality is built from the same material our dreams are built. Methods of strategic management based on the vision suggest an active creation of reality. Spirituality of a human being constitutes the feature which has recently grown to an idea of all-powerful energy. Human beings, depending on the way they manage their spiritual potential, may be profuse sources of goodness or evil, both to themselves and to their environment. Individuals’ own efforts in cooperation with creative energy may change man’s history, about which Herbert George Wells wrote that it is becoming more like a race between education and a catastrophe…
Polish environmental law provides the following definition: sustainable development is a social and economic development in which political, economic and social activities are integrated with maintenance of ecological balance and permanence of basic natural processes so that the possibility to satisfy basic needs of individual communities or citizens of the current and future generations is safeguarded.
Often, the definition created by UN agencies is applied: “sustainable development is the social and economic development in which integration of political, economic and social activities takes place both in time and space, so that natural balance and permanence of basic natural processes is ensured.” [translated from Polish]
In 1987, a concept of sustainable development, defined as “development protecting the needs of the current generation, without limiting implementation of the needs of future generations” entered the international political scene.
The European Union gives special emphasis in its acts of law to implementation of environment protection issues into economic and social policies and strategies. Environmental protection – through integration of policies and strategies both in the area of economy and social issues, but also by emphasizing harmonization of actions in time and space – is also stressed in the provisions of the negotiated Constitution of the European Union.
This Web site will promote sustainable development management, also treating family and development of individual units as important components of development.
The bigger the number of people going along the path of sustainable development, the easier its implementation.
M. Nowicki and L. Ribbe, in the last chapter of the book “Problemy Ekorozwoju Polski” [Problems of Eco-development of Poland], entitled “Jaka czeka nas przyszłośc?” [What is Our Future?], wrote: “Settlement dispersion and inflow of people representing various professions into the areas that used to be exclusively rural, should stimulate development of self-government, facilitate many positive citizen initiatives and election of local authorities by making an informed decision rather than voting for anonymous persons. Even now there are no technical obstacles to bringing back an ancient form of direct democracy, as thanks to computer networks and electronic mail it would be possible to conduct voting in form of general referenda on every matter which is vital for society. This pertains to local communities and the society of the whole country. It will create completely new forms of ruling and responsibility of those who rule. Political parties, which so readily refer to a mandate granted them by society, unlike today, will have to take face immediate verification of their actions, without waiting for next elections. Manipulation of opinion polls, based on a very small sample, which now are often an element of political game, will not be possible.”
Reliable, “INTEGRATABLE” information made available to EVERYBODY is an indispensable element for implementation of development through sustainable development route. Information brings responsibility.
Implementation of sustainable development requires universal responsibility.
Material based on the text of the second part of the book by Aleksandra Wójtowicz and Wanda Pazdan “Johannesburg na żywo i co dalej” [Alive From Johannesburg and What Else] ISBN 83-88823-86-8, published by Agencja Reklamowo-Wydawnicza Arkadiusz Grzegorczyk in 2002.
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