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    Guardian of Festival ZR/SD-M
    Wanda Pazdan 28 Aug 2009

    Guardian of the International Festival of Sustainable Development and Music  Opole September – December 2010

    (Guardian of the International Festival of SD-M Opole 2010)

    Guardian of the International Festival of SD-M Opole 2010

    • has the right to use the following titles: “Guardian of the International Festival of Sustainable Development and Music, Opole 2010,” and “Guardian of the International Festival of SD-M Opole 2009” in contacts within the state and abroad, from the date of signing the agreement up to December 31, 2011


    • 1 two-person invitations to the Inauguration Gala on September 7, 2010 (2 reservations)
    • 1 two-person invitations to the Festival Closing Gala on December 7, 2010 (2 reservations)

    Announcements and advertising materials concerning the Festival of SD-M Opole 2010

    • providing information about the Company at the EMI Web site

    Placing the Company logo:

    • on the home page of EMI’s Web site

    Placing an active hyperlink to the Company’s Web site

    • on the home page of EMI, Company Logo hyperlinked to the Company’s Web site home page

    The payment for the “Guardian of the International Festival of SD-M Opole 2010” Package is 5000zł.

    Komentarze wyłączone.


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