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    Farewell to Professor Kozłowski
    Wanda Pazdan 30 Sep 2007

    On September 17, 2007, Professor Stefan Kozłowski passed away, taken by sudden death. Information about his death and funeral date reached me too late to attend his funeral and personally pay last respect to this giant fighter for sustainable development in Poland, who right down to the last moments of his life fought by organizing conferences, publishing books, giving public talks… There will be no more of them. His huge work, however, will not be lost – it will continue through his successors…

    I want to thank you Professor for placing my name in nomination as a member of the “Man and the Environment” Committee affiliated with the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Science. I thank you for enabling me to participate in the Polish avant-garde of sustainable development. I thank you for motivating me for getting a PhD, and for your vision of me as a person leading a university department…

    I haven’t got a PhD – I stayed on the path of consulting. The EU Bosnia&Herzegovina project destroyed my plans of scientific cooperation with you Professor, but here, on this Web site, I will promote sustainable development with application of integrated approach, based on the integral philosophy, as I mentioned in one of our discussion. I will write the book I promised to write… [/english]

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