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    Wanda Pazdan 7 Sep 2010

    Konkurs o tytuł Menedżer Zrównoważonego Rozwoju nie odbył się z powodu braku zgłoszeń. Podmioty, które się zarejestrowały do darmowego konkursu, nie złożyły ankiety zgłoszeniowej.

    Nie udało się również pozyskać dotacji dla tego projektu, gdyż potencjalne podmioty, z którymi firma EMI mogła startować do istniejących funduszy, odmówiły współpracy w tym zakresie (OIG, OCRG).

    “Biznes i Ekologia” [“Business and Ecology”] together with EMI company, convinced that people and business are leaders in saving Our Planet and development of the human species,

     announce the Competition for the title of:


     ZR/SD Manager 2010, for short

    under auspices of:                                         

    herb woj opolskiego                                                        herb-opola.gif

    Marszałka Województwa Opolskiego     Prezydenta Miasta Opola

    pkdsunesco.jpg                            logo-bcc-pion.jpg

    Polski Komitet ds UNESCO          Business Centre Club

    Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza  pl_dlugie_tlo-biale_kig-szary.jpg

    cte_logo_grafit2.jpg                                 logo_fundacji-being-world.jpg


    The goal is to promote individuals and companies who:

    – chose to start out on the sustainable development course,

    – are known for their superior management culture,

    – in management take into account capital in the classical meaning of the word but also global human capital and natural capital of the globe,

    – stimulate development of innovative products/services which deserve to be called sustainable development products/services.

    Assessment criteria for the “ZR/SD Manager 2010” title stem from the definition of ZR/SD Manager specified by EMI.

    The competition is an amended edition of the Competition/Popularity Contest EKOBIZNESMEN ROKU [ECO-BUSINESSPERSON OF THE YEAR], announced several years ago by the magazine “Biznes i Ekologia.”

    The results of the Competition will be announced in 2010 during one of the events of the International Festival of Sustainable Development and Music in Opole ( Festival ZR/SD-M). The winners will receive diplomas and throughout 2011 will be entitled to use the Winner of ZR/SD Manager 2010 Competition (Sustainable Development Manager) graphic symbol.

    Honorable Titles “ZR/SD Manager 2010” will also be granted, also to people who are not businesspersons, but contribute to implementation of principles of sustainable development.

    The application form for Candidates for the title “ZR/SD Manager 2010” is published on EMI’s website. Registration will be accepted till April 30, 2010. Applications for 2010 will be accepted till 30 June, 2010.

    Apart from experts from EMI and “Biznes i Ekologia” also a group of invited experts and interested Internet users will participate in the assessment process, and they will be provided with a special form for selecting the winners in October and November 2010.

    Huge Companies and MSP  from all Europe are cordially invited to participate in the Competition!

    All Internet users are cordially invited to select their candidates for winning.

    Rules for the Edition of ZR/SD Manager 2010 Competition

    Patronat medialny:   fob.gif  logo-fenix-bie.jpg logo-otv-mniejsze.jpglogo-radio-opole.jpg  logo_opole_opole_plus.jpg  nto.jpg   nto_pl.jpg   mmopole.jpg  wwwmoj-ogrodnikpl.jpg


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    ZR/SD Firm – Definition
    Wanda Pazdan 3 Jan 2009

    “Firma ZR/SD” (in English: ZR/SD Firm) stands for “Firma Zrównoważonego Rozwoju,” or “Przedsiębiorstwo Zrównoważonego Rozwoju” (sustainable development company/enterprise).

    A firm can be called a sustainable development company/enterprise if:

    – in its vision statement it has included assurance of its existence and development in the specified remote future, along with respect to the environment and needs of local communities,

    – and has transformed such a vision into a strategy of sustainable development in a manner which ensures control of its implementation,

    – while its planning and operation management system has been adapted to reporting progress in pursuit of sustainable development,

    – the strategy has been harmonized with EU, national and local strategies of sustainable development

    – it has developed and announced a declaration of sustainable development culture.

    Yearly Report in GRI format or a similar one is audited by independent organization and publicly available.


    – declaration to implement a progress management system in pursuit of sustainable development;

    – declaration to implement public domain annual reports pursuant to GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) recommendations or in a similar form and to have them audited by an independent entity (university, institute, consulting company, etc.);

    – declaration to manufacture products or to provide services to the market which are gradually more energy-saving, water-saving, less material consumptive, with lower direct and indirect emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, with decreasing direct or indirect emission of all process pollutants, with growing share of green energy consumption from local materials, with minimization of waste and involvement of modern methods of waste disposal, with increasing role of recycling services of the sold products, commodities and services which do not have a negative impact on ecosystems (biodiversity), which do not imperil health of human beings, with extended lifecycle through facilitating availability of spare parts throughout the anticipated time of product use;

    – declaration to use power, water and materials more sparingly for non-production purposes;

    – declaration of becoming independent from power providers, taking into account green energy;

    – declaration to minimize individual transportation needs and to optimize transportation fleet from the ecological and financial perspective;

    – declaration to care about safety at work;

    – declaration to educate employees on permanent basis, taking into account the role of literature, music (art) and physical exercise in development of creative individuals;

    – declaration to support prevention of disease;

    – declaration to support tolerance of cultural diversity;

    – declaration to increase percentage share of green procurements;

    – declaration to increase percentage share of orders from suppliers who respect the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Charter of Human Rights;

    – declaration of intensifying care about esthetic impression of the workplace and company premises, as well as about employees’ culture;

    – declaration to care more about development of local and world community.

    Signed by a person  formally representing a given firm

    ZR/SD Manager: sustainable development manager is a manager who through her or his activity and impact on the employees has managed to:

    – formulate with her or his employees a vision statement concerning the development of the given organizational unit in the specified remote future, a vision in which economic development goes hand in hand with respect to the environment and the society,

    –  transfer the vision statement into a strategy of sustainable development and main strategy in a way which:

    – enables them to control its implementation;

    – ensures alignment of the form and goals with strategies of higher levels of administration, up to the EU;

    – adjust planning and operation management system to reporting progress in pursuit of sustainable development;

    – develop and implement a declaration of culture of the organization in the spirit of sustainable development;

    – provide an atmosphere in which employees are encouraged to question status quo and to take risk;

    – develop employee’s imagination and spirituality and to motivate them to continuous education;

    – stimulate employee’s creativity.

    By her or his activity they stimulate development of innovative products/services which deserve to be called sustainable development products/services. SD Manager supports cultural, health and educational projects.


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